Top 10 Apps for Entrepreneurs in 2022.

October 10, 2020
Top 10 Apps for Entrepreneurs in 2022.

Entrepreneurs know how to create brands and products that people want. Unfortunately, bringing products to market and growing brand recognition can be complicated. Instead of struggling to manage all aspects of your business, why not surround yourself with the right apps and tools to manage these elements for you? By taking this step, you can focus on growing and developing your product, marketing to your niche audience, and increasing revenues each sales quarter!

Top 10 Apps for Entrepreneurs in 2022

1. Monday

If you have a team of employees or developers working on your business, a project management app or software platform can help you keep an eye on all of your business tasks. Monday is a comprehensive platform with an available mobile app that allows you to oversee and manage in-person and remote teams, plan project timelines, and track individual tasks. From the dashboard, you can get a complete picture of where everything stands. You can check progress and identify individual tasks that may be holding things up. With automation tools, Monday allows you to assign repetitive tasks so nothing gets lost in the shuffle.

2. Zenefits

Managing HR can really get in the way of growing your new business.  Relieve the pressure by using an app like Zenefits.With Zenefits you can streamline hiring and onboarding, manage payroll, manage employee benefits, and set up advanced employee time tracking. Zenefits is scalable so as your business grows and your HR needs change, the platform can continue to make your life easier.

3. HubSpot

HubSpot is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform that can provide you with valuable insight into your customers. Only when you truly understand your customer can you grow and develop the best products or services. HubtSpot can help you manage sales, customer service, marketing, and business analytics from a single app. No matter where you are, at home, on the road, or in the office, HubSpot can help you expand your market reach and develop the insights necessary to best interact with your audience.

4. Square

Square makes it easy for your business to accept debit and credit card payments. All you need is your mobile device and the payment reader that Square provides for free when you sign up for service. If you have a mobile business or often sell products/services from trade shows or fairs, Square makes it easy to accept regular and chip card payments. For businesses selling from a permanent stand or storefront, you can upgrade to the Square Stand for payment processing. This tool can help you set up an online store, accept online orders, and send and track invoices. And best of all, any funds you process can appear in your bank account as soon as the next day!

5. Buffer

Busy entrepreneurs don’t have time to manage their social media accounts the way they should. Buffer makes social media marketing a breeze. Plan, schedule, and coordinate your marketing campaigns to drive social engagement. Built-in analytics tools allow you to easily determine what is working and what adjustments need to be made to grow your audience reach. Buffer makes it easy to reply and interact with top commenters on all your social channels which will improve brand trust and increase organic engagement.  

6. Miro

Do you ever wish there was an online solution designed for team brainstorming? Well, look no further than Miro. Miro makes it easy to share and collaborate on ideas from anywhere. Using this visual platform you can map ideas, link to appropriate resources, and connect ideas in a way that makes sense. Whether you’re in the same room or spread out across the country, teams can come together to comment and vote on ideas and discuss concepts further in the integrated chat feature. This app encourages a free flow of ideas by embracing the concept of mind mapping. The layout is fully customizable with a range of colors, shapes, icons, and fonts at your disposal.  

7. HelloSign

HelloSign makes it easy to sign and send documents without having to print things off, sign, scan, and then send. The HelloSign app allows request documents electronically and add legally binding signatures. You can use available templates to create your own documents like NDAs and Sales Agreements.  With an available API and Salesforce integrations, you can adjust this app to better suit your business needs.

8. Slack

If you are trying to find ways to facilitate quick and easy communication with your team, Slack is what you need. Slack is an app that allows your team to send messages and attachments to one another with relative ease. You can create channels dedicated to specific projects, topics, or teams so that all related communications have a ‘home’ and can be found at a later date. The platform is searchable so no important conversations or observations will be missed. With this app, you can share specific channels with business partners, contractors, and vendors so they can be included in the conversation without gaining access to your internal workings and conversations.Slack integrates with Google Drive, Google Calendar, Office365, Dropbox, Salesforce, and so much more. You can use the automated tools or the custom API to build the solution that works best for you.

9. Zapier

If you feel like using all of these individual apps is going to be messy and time-consuming in and of itself, Zapier has a solution. This app connects all of your apps and automates next steps to streamline workflow and capitalize on opportunities to close a deal or grow your business. Link your apps through workflows called “Zaps” and repetitive functions will be performed on your behalf. Establish triggers and each time one is tripped, Zapier will respond the way you told it to. For example, if you get a new lead through one of your social media channels, Zapier will capture the lead details and input it into your email campaign manager, funneling that lead into your sales channels, and possibly launching a welcome email.

10. 1Password

Trying to remember dozens of passwords is a pain. With 1Password you can securely store and manage passwords as well as important documents and files. 1Password enables you to memorize one master password with all other passwords protected by this master. With desktop and mobile app availability, you can access your passwords and documents anywhere that business takes you. You can receive usage reports, add custom user roles, and restrict access to privileged information. With 1Password you can get the access you need without ever worrying about security or being locked out again!

Bonus. Canva

Do you ever wish there was an online solution to simplify creating graphics and presentations? Well, look no further than Canva. Canva makes it easy to create graphics from anywhere. Using this visual platform you can create presentations, logos, flyers, infographics, posters, social media posts, business reports, and more using any of Canva’s templates.  Whether you’re in the same room or spread out across the country, teams can come together to comment and vote on ideas and discuss concepts further in the integrated chat feature. This app encourages a free flow of ideas by embracing the concept of graphics design. The layout is fully customizable with a range of colors, shapes, icons, and fonts at your disposal.  Being a successful entrepreneur means wearing lots of different hats and performing lots of different roles. But, being responsible for so much can complicate work life and cause you to miss important details. By using one (or all!) of these apps you can reduce your stress, streamline your efforts, and see your business run like clockwork in 2021!

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