Top Virtual Mailbox Services: Which Is Right For You

November 6, 2023
Top Virtual Mailbox Services: Which Is Right For You

In today's digital age, traditional mail services are being replaced by virtual mailbox services. These services provide individuals and businesses with a convenient and efficient way to manage their mail online. With so many options available, it can be challenging to determine which virtual mailbox service is right for you. In this article, we will compare the top virtual mailbox services to help you make an informed decision.

Earth Class Mail:

Earth Class Mail is a popular virtual mailbox service that offers a range of features. They provide you with a physical address where your mail is received and then scanned and uploaded to your online account. You can then view and manage your mail from anywhere using their user-friendly interface. Earth Class Mail also offers mail forwarding options, allowing you to have your physical mail delivered to your desired location.

US Global Mail:

US Global Mail is a trusted virtual mailbox service that has been serving customers for over 20 years. They offer a range of features, including a physical address, mail scanning, and mail forwarding options. US Global Mail also provides additional services such as check depositing and secure shredding, making it a comprehensive solution for managing your mail.

Anytime Mailbox:

Anytime Mailbox is a virtual mailbox service that offers a simple solution for managing your mail. They provide you with a physical address where your mail is received and then scanned and uploaded to your online account. Anytime Mailbox offers mail forwarding options, allowing you to have your physical mail delivered to your desired location. They also have a mobile app, making it easy to access your mail on the go.


iPostal1 is a virtual mailbox service that caters to both individuals and businesses. They have a wide network of addresses available, allowing you to choose from various locations. iPostal1 offers mail scanning, forwarding, package handling, and shredding services. They also provide additional services like faxing and notary services. iPostal1 has a user-friendly app that makes managing your mail easy and convenient.


VirtualPostMail is a virtual mailbox service that focuses on security and privacy. They offer encrypted mail storage, secure shredding, and HIPAA-compliant services for those in the healthcare industry. VirtualPostMail provides mail scanning, forwarding, and check deposit services. They also have a mobile app that allows you to manage your mail on the go.

Traveling Mailbox:

As the name suggests, Traveling Mailbox is designed for individuals or businesses who are constantly on the move. They offer virtual addresses in multiple locations, allowing you to receive and manage your mail while traveling. Traveling Mailbox provides mail scanning and forwarding services, as well as secure shredding options. They also offer integrations with popular cloud storage services for seamless document management.

When comparing these virtual mailbox services, there are a few factors to consider. First, think about your specific needs and requirements. Do you need a physical address in a specific location? Do you require mail forwarding services? Consider the features and services offered by each virtual mailbox service and determine which aligns best with your needs.

Second, consider the pricing and plans of each service. Virtual mailbox services typically offer different plans based on the volume of mail and additional features required. Compare the pricing structures and determine which service offers the best value for your money.

Lastly, read reviews and testimonials from current and past customers. This will give you insights into the reliability, customer service, and overall experience of using each virtual mailbox service.

In conclusion, choosing the right virtual mailbox service is crucial for effectively managing your mail online. Consider your needs, compare the features and pricing, and read reviews to make an informed decision. With the right virtual mailbox service, you can streamline your mail management and enjoy the convenience of accessing your mail from anywhere.

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